Catnip Tincture


Catnip Tincture


Catnip (nepeta cataria) is wonderful medicine for anxiety, jitters, insomnia, fevers, and digestion. An absolute favorite ally for frayed nerves.

To answer a very commonly asked question, no, catnip will not make you high like it makes your cats! In humans, catnip acts as a gentle sedative that can soothe your nervous & digestive systems as well as help you cozy up for a good night’s rest.

Organic, homegrown from seed, and hand-picked with love. 1 oz. Tinctured in 95% grain alcohol.

As with any herbal medicine, please consult your healthcare practitioner before use, particularly if you are pregnant, nursing, or taking any medications.

*Please note: this product may have a new label, branded Quark & Eve

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