Pine & Magnolia Flower Essence


Pine & Magnolia Flower Essence


Move through transitions with ease and grace.

Pine & Magnolia essence helps us to shift perspective with support and love from your ancestors and angels. They help us to gently release what no longer serves us in order to welcome our next transformation with abundant joy. We stand in our power as this delicate, powerful duo urges us to see beyond what we believe. Allow yourself to ground into the wild & unfurl to the spirit.

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1 oz stock bottle. Preserved with brandy.

Note: Flower essences are vibrational remedies & contain no active plant constituents. They are made through the mystical alchemy of sunlight, blooms, and purified water. Each essence holds the imprints and sacred gifts of each plant, and while they can be very gentle and subtle, these essences are also powerful medicine.

Our essences are “stock” bottles (same as you would find in most retail stores), meaning they have been diluted once from the original “mother” essence. Stock essences are best suited to work with issues that are manifesting in the physical — whether through illness, injury, or conditions such as rashes, insomnia, and anxiety. However, more dilute “dosage” essences are more tailored to shift deep-seated beliefs and fears that manifest as unconscious “programs” running our lives. Essences are diluted this way to create smaller and more precise medicine that can “pass through the keyhole” to the smallest nooks and most neglected recesses of our spirits that wish for gentle healing. You can make your own dosage bottle from your stock bottle by putting 1-8 drops of the stock essence in a new, clean bottle, and filling the rest with 50% spring (or purified) water and 50% alcohol to preserve. You can mix many stock essences into one dosage bottle. If you prefer we make a dosage essence for you, contact us.